May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Our churches have opened their doors to welcome and accept poor & needy families to stay in a safe and comforting place during extreme hardship, but that is not enough. This letter is more than an ask for a donation, rather, it is a cry to come together as one body in Christ to show the love and support to these hurting families.

If every family in our United States Eastern Archdioceses pledges to care for one needy family for a year, we can provide all of their basic needs but more importantly, we provide the love, compassion, and Christ like comfort to these families who are in need the most.

Here is how your church and parishioners can help:

  • For only $3.33, it provides a whole family with basic living essentials for one day
  • $100 will provide one family with the basic living essentials for one month
  • A gift of $1,200 will provide one family with basic living essentials for one year
  • $100 general donation will help several sick people get their medicine or be hospitalized.

Again, we urgently ask that each parish fully participates in this opportunity to help our brothers and sisters in dire need. We are counting on each parish to encourage each and every family in your church to take immediate action and pledge to support a family and/or host dedicated fundraising events for this cause.

An emergency Archdiocese Relief Committee (ARC) has been established to oversee this effort.

Thank you for your heart to love and be the hands and feet of Jesus during dire times. May God bless you with your loved ones.

Yours in Christ,
His Eminence More Dionysius John Kawak

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the
household of faith” Galatians 6:10

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